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The Poetry Transformation Book

Rivers of Divine Love is an empowering collection of poems of revealed truths focused on understanding the Divine Love of God, healing you to discover that you are phenomenal and building great relationships with God and others.

It will help you to overcome the fear of heartbreak, the self-sabotaging behaviour inherent in human love and to transform your life for the better. The Poetry Transformation Book is uplifting and guides readers through the profound themes of love, creation, purpose, identity, joy, wisdom, humility transformation, greatness and work. By providing valuable insights to renew your mind to reflect on divine love in each exciting and stressful moment in your life, flooding you with inner peace and joy.

This book inspires readers with universal truth: the unconditional, everlasting and perfect love of God is freely available to everyone, if you are willing to receive it. Get your enriching copy today …step into Rivers of Divine Love toward restoration. A perfect gift for lovers of expressive poetry, or those on a journey of personal growth, self-improvement, biblical mindfulness and a renewed sense of purpose.

The Path of Inner wholeness

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. ”1 John 4:7 KJV

Embark on a sacred quest with "Beloved: The Path of Inner Wholeness." This isn't just a book; it's an immersive experience of Christian inner healing. Embrace revealed insights and prophetic paintings on a mind-blowing journey beyond words, inviting you to discover the deeply felt healing power of love.

Within the pages of "Beloved," uncover the divine truth that every child is beloved by God and destined for God's unconditional love. This revelation becomes a guiding light through life's challenges, assuring you that the divine connection remains unbroken. Love, the greatest power, takes center stage, steering the narrative toward true restoration and harmony.

Navigate the wilderness of pain as "The Path of Inner Wholeness" becomes your compass, for a profound exploration of personal pain points and fosters spiritual growth through faith and hope. Let the liberating force of pure love lead you to the freedom of peace of mind and the tranquility garden of joy. With each step, heartfelt prayers accompany you, resulting in the deliverance of mind, body, and soul.

Grab your copy of "Beloved: The Path of Inner Wholeness." it will empower you to embrace your true self and foster intense healing and unshakeable inner peace. Offering solace and an intimate connection with the divine power of love. Which stands as a testament to its life-changing experience on the path to wholeness. Begin your inner healing journey toward self-fulfillment today!


The Path of Inner Wholeness

a neon sign that says watch this space
a neon sign that says watch this space

Arvottomuuden juurien ja väärien naamioiden paljastuminen

Kirjoittaja Maria Great avaa rakkaudellisesti syvällisen eheyttävän matkan henkien erottamisen ja vapauttamisen palveluun kautta.

Kirja kietoutuu Pyhän Hengen ilmestyksen ympärille, joka valaisee väärät arvottomuudesta juontavat asenteemme ja pilkkoo ne pieniksi jaymmärrettäviksi totuuksiksi.

Kirja kutsuu lukijan astumaan lähemmäs Jumalaa, tarjoten käytännönohjeita mielen uudistumiseen ja vapauden säilyttämiseksi.

Teos sukeltaa syvälle arvottomuuden haavoihin ja niiden juurien paljastamiseen, tarjoten samalla rohkaisua ja ohjausta sisäiseen eheyteen Pyhän Hengen johdatuksessa. Maria jakaa yliluonnollisia aarteita, ilmoituksia, profeetallisia maalauksia ja oivaltavia sanoja, jotka tavoittelevat taivaallisen todellisuuden tuomista maan päälle.

Tartu kirjaasi" Voi Pyhä Arvottomuus- Arvottomuuden juurien ja väärien naamioiden paljastuminen. Se paljastaa ja vapauttaa arvottomuuden vangit ja voimaannuttaa sinut hyväksymään todellisen itsesi ja edistämään intensiivistä paranemista ja horjumatonta sisäistä rauhaa. Mikä on osoitus sen elämää muuttavasta kokemuksesta matkalla eheyteen.

"Ota ensimmäinen askel kohti eheytymistäsi jo tänään!


Embrace the Power of Divine Love and Conquer All

Maria Great's groundbreaking first book, "Beloved - The Journey of Inner Wholeness," paved way for her latest masterpiece, "War of Love - Embrace the Power of Divine Love and Conquer All "

In this inspiring sequel, Maria opens the door to spiritual warfare, offering readers powerful tools to face life's challenges and adversities with the strength of love.

Through her evocative paintings, Maria fosters contemplative reflections that nourish the soul and guide readers toward embracing their inner truths.

She elucidates the profound truth that love transcends hate and illuminates the path through darkness. Love not only heals inner wounds but also liberates us from spiritual bondage, shackles of shame and pride.

In "War of Love," readers embark on a transformative journey, discovering the divine power within and unleashing their inner strength to overcome every obstacle. Quidance and encouraging words help readers find the strength and courage needed for the battle of love, both in their own lives and in the world. This book is a beacon of hope and inspiration, calling readers to step into the light of love.

This book emphasizes the power of God's love, which conquers all darkness and opposition. When we embrace this love, it becomes our shield, our sword, and protective armor in the spiritual battle. Additionally, she offers practical tools to help us see spiritual matters more. We learn to destroy strongholds and heal the wounds inflicted by the enemy destructive power of war through unloving actions. That equips the healed Christian soldiers to use the weapons of God's Love.

NEW book is coming soon

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